Medtronic’s 2015 Deal Appetite Whetted By Tax Savings


Medtronic’s most recent acquistion target was Lazarus Effect, a maker of stroke diagnostic devices. After obtaining European approval, Lazarus Effect is working to get U.S. approval for the ReCover brain blot clot removal device, which works with Medtronic ‘s Solitaire stent that can be deployed in the brain to scoop out vessel-blocking clots that cause acute ischemic stroke. ReCover removes clots from the brain using a “novel nitinol ‘mesh cover’ that folds over a stent retriever device during clot retrieval and ‘candy wraps’ the stent with the clot inside

VasSol Ushers in a New Stroke Diagnostic Standard of Care


The Journal of the American Medical Association – Neurology (JAMA Neurology) has indicated it will publish the results of the landmark stroke diagnostic study – VERiTAS (Vertebrobasilar Flow Evaluation and Risk of Transient Ischaemic Attack and Stroke study (VERiTAS).  Acceptance by this highly prestigious and influential peer-reviewed journal is a significant reflection of the importance of the study and the wide-ranging implications of the NOVA blood flow non-invasive MRI-based, objective stroke diagnostic system.

Aesthetic Surgery Market Trends – 2015


Key factors “shaping” the aesthetic surgery market and healthcare M&A activity in it are:

Large and Growing Market
15.6 million cosmetic procedures, including both minimally-invasive and surgical, were performed in the US in 2014, an increase of 3% since 2013. Additionally, 5.8 million reconstructive surgery procedures were performed last year, up 1%.

Allergan buys AqueSys, a maker of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery products, for $300m+


The deal provides Allergan with AqueSys’s minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) device called the XEN45 Gel Stent.  MIGS devices are alternatives to glaucoma medication and more invasive surgical techniques.  The leader in the MIGS area is Glaukos, which closed an IPO in June 2015 and now has a market cap of over $1b.  Its iStent is FDA-approved for moderate to severe glaucoma while the AqueSys device is for mild to moderate patients.

Walden Group Arranges the sale of JoViPak Corporation to BSN Medical GmbH & Co. KG


The Walden Group advised JoViPak Corporation and arranged for its sale to BSN Medical GmbH & Co. KG,, a $850m manufacturer of products for wound care, vascular disease, lymphology and non-invasive orthopaedic conditions.  JoViPak pioneered the market for night-time lymphedema garments to manage lymphatic disorders, an underserved, yet rapidly growing market. JoViPak’s products simulate the dynamic massaging action of an expert lymphedema therapist in gently releasing trapped fluid so that it properly drains via the lymph system.  

Drugs for Rare Diseases, Cancer and other Conditions Continue to Enjoy High Pricing, but For How Long?


The recent $3.2b healthcare M&A purchase of Synageva BioPharma Corp. by Alexion Pharmaceuticals again put the spotlight on the high cost of specialty drugs. Synageva’s lead candidate, Kanuma, is designed to treat lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, a genetic disease in which people do not produce enough of a certain enzyme. Infants with the disease often die within months. It can also cause liver damage and other problems in children and adults. So-called orphan drugs like Kanuma are now among the …

The Laboratory Diagnostics Segment Settles Down and Regroups Using Data Analytics and Tools for Providers and Consumers


After several years of government reimbursement pressure, headwinds are beginning to abate.  Given the aging population, the significant positive impact in vitro diagnostics have on the medical care and controlling costs, the diagnostics market is expect to grow.   This is especially the case in regard to molecular diagnostics and genetic testing, which enable more personalized and targeted therapeutic approaches.   See accompanying chart.

Healthcare Insurers Are Merging in light of The Supreme Court’s Affirmation of the Affordable Care Act


In June 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the Affordable Care Act in King v. Burwell.  While the Republicans may continue to try to change some provisions, the Court clarified much of the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the ACA.  The ACA provides for a major expansion in the number individuals entitled to insurance coverage, and higher burdens on insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and other pathologies, among other requirements which make for more costly insurer requirements.

Clinical Diagnostic M&A Developments


The U.S. clinical testing industry consists of two segments: (a) hospital inpatient and outpatient testing (40%) and (b) commercial clinical laboratories, physician-office laboratories and other locations, as well as hospital outreach testing (60%).Hospital-based and affiliated laboratories account for ~60% of the total industry; commercial clinical laboratories approximately 33%;and physician-office laboratories and other locations account for 7%.See adjacent chart.

Factors that Shaped 2014 Healthcare Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)


Healthcare M&A in 2014 was characterized by seismic changes.  More than 40 deals were announced or closed with a value over $1 billion – 8 were over $10 billion. Here are the key factors that shaped the environment for healthcare mergers and acquisitions and healthcare investment banking.